Who We Help

Are you wondering if the services at Murphy Centre are for you? 

We help:

  • youth and adult learners who want to complete or upgrade in the High School Credit (HSC), Adult Basic Education (ABE) or Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) programs;
  • youth and older workers find employment wherever they are in their career: entry-level work or professionally trained positions;
  • people explore, start, or change careers.

We provide support during these times of transition and if there is something beyond our scope, we find resources in the community to assist with specific barriers. Our participants may have in the past or be currently facing barriers that include addictions, unstable housing, lack of motivation, death in the family, the necessity to work, teenage pregnancy, mental health, physical health or learning issues. The common thread for participants of the Murphy Centre is they want to make their lives better. Whether it is through increasing their education, developing career and personal skills and knowledge, or finding meaningful employment, we help participants find holistic solutions to achieve academic, career and life goals.