Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC)

The Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) is a new assessment, designed to replace the General Educational Development, or GED, which will no longer be available in Canada after May 3, 2024. Newfoundland and Labrador has supported the development of this credential and will be making it available to adults in this province who wish to avail of it for career advancement.

The CAEC will provide a high-quality, made-in-Canada education credential that meets industry standards as a replacement for the GED. Employers, post-secondary institutions and others will be able to count on the CAEC as a reliable indicator of Canadian adults’ level of educational achievement.

Who is the CAEC for?

Like the GED, the CAEC is for Canadian adults who do not have a high school diploma but need an education credential to open new doors to educational or employment opportunities.

People may take the CAEC for various reasons, including:

  • to meet the educational requirements for current and future employment opportunities, or
  • to qualify for post-secondary education programs such as apprenticeships, college, or other workplace training programs.

What will the CAEC cover?

Developed with input from a provincial-territorial working group, employers, and post-secondary institutions, the CAEC will be tailored to the needs of Canadian adults and will reflect diverse cultures and perspectives. Delivered on an easy-to-use online platform, tests will be available in English and French in the following subject areas:

English or Français (2 tests)Part I: Reading/Compréhension de l’écriture Part II: Writing/Écriture
Mathematics (1 test)Part I: No Calculator Part II: Calculator
Social Studies (1 test)One part only
Science (1 test)One part only

NOTE: Students must pass all 5 tests to receive the CAEC diploma. Once an individual test is passed it does not need to be repeated.

Will the GED still be recognized after the CAEC is introduced?

Yes, the 2002 tests for the GED credential will still be accepted or recognized after the CAEC is introduced.

People who have started their GED are encouraged to complete the full test series before May 3, 2024; however, those who have passed some GED tests will be able to have those tests count toward their CAEC for three years up to May 2027.

Coming Soon:  Additional information on the CAEC will be available in the coming weeks, please check this page for updates.

If you have questions about the CAEC program, please contact Corey at 709-753-2830 or email [email protected]

To apply, click here.